Wednesday, November 27, 2013

SaveCAMFT brings democracy to MFTs

Laura C. Strom
Dear Colleagues:

Greg Rowe has posted an email on SF CAMFT's list serve. There are some inaccuracies and misconceptions in this email I would like to clear up point by point. The text in italics and quotes are Mr. Rowe's original post which I have quoted in its entirety and in the same order in which it originally appeared.

"Dear colleagues,

I just want to draw your attention to the fact that the Save CAMFT folks are asking you to elect all seven of them in order to have a majority on the 12 member state board."

There are only five Board seats open, not seven. Even if 5 of the 7 SaveCAMFT endorsed candidates are elected, SaveCAMFT will not have a majority on the Board.

"They are also asking you to sign a petition allowing them to circumvent the Nomination Committee process - an approach that is allowed in the bylaws but is unusual."

Yes, it is unusual to use the option of nominating by petition, which is allowed in our bylaws. We feel using this option is necessary to insure we have the opportunity to vote for candidates we know are committed to transparency and collaborative leadership.

In May 2013 our CAMFT Board presented us with the new 2013 bylaws. For the two years prior to May the Board held every bylaws discussion in closed session and the membership was not told any details about their discussions or the content of the 2013 bylaws.

Our Board decided to turn CAMFT into a generic mental health organization, complete with a new name/website planned: CAMHP (CA Association of Mental Health Professionals). The current CAMFT Board did not involve the membership in any discussion about our wishes for the future of our MFT advocacy trade group before mailing us a ballot in May of this year. There were no articles in The Therapist, town hall discussions, eblasts, surveys, nothing to let us know their intention to give up our MFT advocacy group in favor of a generic mental health organization.

"I don't know if there is historical precedence for this in our organizing, but nowhere in our bylaws does it discuss electing a slate of candidates on a single issue."

SaveCAMFT endorsed candidates are running on two principals: collaborative leadership and transparency. Each candidate is committed to bottom up, rather than top down leadership. SaveCAMFT candidates are committed to involving the membership in major decisions, especially one as large as terminating our 49 year MFT advocacy organization in favor of inviting every masters level and above mental health license to be a voting clinical member.

"On the contrary our bylaws insist on the essential importance of diversity of age, gender, region etc - in short basic tenet of any democratic organization where people who don't necessarily think along the same lines must learn to work and find compromise."

The SaveCAMFT endorsed candidates are from various regions throughout California, are varying ages/genders, have their own points-of-view, etc. Members are encouraged to contact each candidate and find out more about their views. In an effort to be fully transparent, we have included statements, phone numbers and email addresses for each person, and those have been available since October on our website: CAMFT will not be putting candidate statements up until February 2014.

"A slate of candidates violates the very idea of enhancing diversity on the board - a notion I find intellectually impoverishing particularly coming from a group of folks who say they want to bring new dynamism to the organization."

Here is the wording from the CAMFT website on the purpose/tasks of the Nominating Committee, italics mine:
- Review and select nominees for a slate of candidates
- Obtain applications or petitions to run from each candidate
- Select each candidate with due consideration of geographic representation, experience in the profession, gender and ethnic representation
- Send a slate and a "nominating ballot" to all voting members

In other words, the Nominating Committee determines the "slate" for which we will vote. In all past CAMFT elections in recent memory there is most often only one person on the ballot for each officer position.
The Nominating Committee has given us ONE choice for President-Elect, Secretary and Chief Financial Officer. That is not a democratic vote, but rather a confirmation of the Nominating Committee’s choices for our officers.

We believe the members deserve real choice. This is being done through the legal and valid petition process which requires 2% of our members sign a petition in order for that candidate to be placed on the ballot. This option is outlined in both sets of bylaws, 2009 and 2013.

"Also to me it indicates they are still operating along the lines of “Everything in San Diego is bad” - a strange stance since there have been several Come to Jesus Moments where each side was able to sit down and listen to the other and come to compromise. Perhaps I misunderstood."

On the contrary, we have worked closely with CAMFT on this petition and we look forward to working on the Board and with staff to help make CAMFT an effective trade organization for MFTs. One of our SaveCAMFT endorsed candidates is from San Diego.

"It's ironic they are not saying that their goal is a controlling majority on the board. In essence they are orchestrating what might be seen as a powergrab as a form of protestation against what they saw as a powergrab. Tit for tat."

Our goal is to provide members with a choice on the ballot for the election of 5 of the 12 Board seats. It is up to the members to decide whom they would like to represent them on the Board.

"I encourage my fellow members to elect or sign petitions to support candidates based on what those candidates hold as a vision for CAMFT, on their competencies, their concrete ideas and not on some jingoistic notion that they somehow need to all be elected en masse in order  "Save CAMFT." (from whom? from what? to what end?).

Greg Rowe"

Signing this petition does not mean you are voting for these candidates. It simply insures you will be given the opportunity to vote for them, should the Nominating Committee choose to not approve SaveCAMFT candidates, all of whom are submitting applications to go through the standard Nominating Committee process/interview. As mentioned above, we encourage all members to gather as much information about all Board candidates as possible, ask questions of them, and then make the decision for which candidates they will cast a vote. This year it will be on a ballot that offers real choice. H. Dan Smith is on the Nominating Committee this year, so I am hopeful he will see that candidates are evaluated fairly. Dr. Smith wrote a notable letter, dated July 5, 2013, to the CAMFT Board imploring them to change course from converting CAMFT into a generic mental health organization.

To specifically answer Mr. Rowe's closing questions:

SaveCAMFT from whom? From a Board that decided on its own to end the 49 year history of CAMFT as a trade organization representing the interests of MFTs without informing or seeking input from the membership. From leadership that felt CAMFT's Of Counsel, Mr. Richard Leslie, didn't need to be shown these new bylaws before sending them out to the membership for a vote even though that's exactly the sort of thing for which he was being paid - and then fired him when he called them out on their actions.

from what? From being transformed into a generic mental health organization with Board members including psychologists, social workers, professional counselors, psychiatrists and educational psychologists. Many of these groups have lobbied very effectively against MFTs for decades. When people bring up AAMFT for comparison, I want to point out that every one of AAMFT's board members also has training, supervision and education to practice the art/science of marriage and family therapy.

to what end?
To work hard to make sure MFTs can be reimbursed by Medicare, hired by the VA, etc. To make sure yet another 170+ MFTs don't get laid off by a major hospital like Sutter did last year - and replaced with LCSWs.

Lastly, Mary Riemersma, former 20 year CAMFT Executive Director posted this message to me on the open Save_CAMFT Yahoo discussion group.

"You are off to a great start Laura and definitely making history. I am sure you will achieve the requisite signatures -- and very well deserved for the whole slate. I will do what I can. Mary"

I invite people to visit the website to learn more: Or to write/call me. LCStrom at gmail dot com or 707-889-9168.

Thank you,
Laura Strom

Original post on Save_CAMFT Yahoo Discussion Group, Nov. 26, 2013.

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